Your gracious contributions can help expand the our service to humanity, primarily towards Preserving and spreading Vedic Culture | Distribution of prasadam to millions


Any contribution to promote the cause of Lord Sri Krishna yields infinite returns. So donate generously and we assure you that every bit of your donation is used in the service of Lord Sri Krishna and for propagation of this Krishna Consciousness movement.

Tulasi Archana Seva

The best way to please the Lord Sri Krishna is to offer tulasi leaves unto the His lotus feet. Let us offer archana seva on your behalf

₹ 501

Janmashtami Abhishekam Seva

The most sacred abhishekam ceremony is conducted on Sri Krishna Janmashtami night. Contribute towards this auspicious event

₹ 2001

Go Seva

Cows are very dear to Lord Sri Gopala. Contribute for feeding one of Krishna’s dear cow for one month and receive Lord’s mercy

₹ 2001

Abhishekam Yajaman

The most sacred abhishekam ceremony is conducted on Sri Krishna Janmashtami night. Contribute towards this auspicious event

₹ 50000

Annadana Seva (200 devotees)

The divine prasadam of Lord Sri Krishna is served to all the visitors at every event. Receive the mercy of the Lord, by being an instrument in serving His prasadam

₹ 6000

Annadana Seva (100 devotees)

The divine prasadam of Lord Sri Krishna is served to all the visitors at every event. Receive the mercy of the Lord, by being an instrument in serving His prasadam

₹ 3000

Chapan Bhog

Chapan Bhog Seva

₹ 50000

Palaki Seva

Palaki Seva

₹ 10000

Jhulan Seva

Jhulan Seva

₹ 5000